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Natural Selection Wiki


Advanced Support allows the Marine Commander to use the Commander Abilities Power Surge, Nano Shield and Catalyst Pack.

Advanced Support

Advanced Support Research

Power Surge

Advanced Support Research
Advanced support
TSA Frontiersmen
Team Resources
Marines res 20
Commander Abilities:
Power Surge, Nano Shield, Catalyst Pack
Researches From: Command Station
Research Time: 60 seconds
Power Surge
Power Surge
Either powers a built Marine Structure or damages nearby Aliens
TSA Frontiersmen
TRes Icon team resource neutral 3
Range Global
Duration 10 seconds
Cooldown 4 seconds
Targets Marine Structures
(except Power Nodes, Sentries, and Batteries)
Requires Advanced Support research

Catalyst Pack

Nano Shield

Nano Shield
Nano Shield
Applies a protective shield to any Marine player, structure or Power Node.
TSA Frontiersmen
TRes Icon team resource neutral 3
Damage reduction 32 %
Range Global
Duration On structures 5 seconds
On units 3 seconds
Cooldown 10 seconds
Targets Marine Players, Exosuits, Robots, Structures
Requires Advanced Support research
Catalyst Pack
Catalyst Pack
Temporarily increases the movement, reload and melee attack speed of any Marine that picks it up.
  • increased movement speed by 12.5%
  • increased Reload speed by 25%
TSA Frontiersmen
TRes Icon team resource neutral 1
Range Global
Duration 5 seconds
Targets Marine Players
Requires Advanced Support research

Advanced Strategies

Especially Power Surge can be utilized in ways sometimes overlooked by less experienced Commanders. The more common one is to power Phase Gates, either in rooms where Aliens destroyed the Power Node or in case of a sneaky push gate. When a Power Node is fully built, it gives of a rather loud and very distinct sound which will alarm all experienced Alien players in the vicinity. This can be circumvented by only building a Phase Gate and then powering it by using Power Surge and have all Marines go through (obviously without using Distress Beacon to gather them). When all Marines are gathered, they can either build the Power Node to permanently power the Gate, or the Commander can use Power Surge repeatedly when necessary until the time to build the node is right.

If the Aliens manage to destroy the Power Node in the Marine main base, Power Surge is an invaluable tool to power what is required most urgently at that moment. Be it the Observatory (to Beacon Marines back), the Arms Lab to restore Upgrades to Marines already in Base, Infantry Portals to have Marines Spawn or the Base Gate in order to have the bulk of the Marine Team phase out to defend the footholds on the map while one or two stay to weld up the Power Node and base. Since Power Surge lasts for 10 seconds and has a cooldown of 4 seconds, two buildings can be perpetually powered simultaneously as long as the team has enough Resources.
