Ammunition Pack | |
"Need some ammo over here!" | |
Frontiersmen | |
Team Resources 1 |
Miscellaneous | |
Builds From: | Marine Commander |
Buy From: | Commander Abilities |
Hotkey: | A
The Ammo Pack is a Marine Commander purchasable assistance utility used to refill a Marine's weapon reserve clips. It can be accessed from the Assist tab in the Commander Menu and dropped by the Commander anywhere on the map. When a Marine is currently wielding an ammo-based weapon, they can walk over an Ammo Pack to automatically pick it up and receive 5 magazines.
Tactical Summary - Ammunition Packs
- Each pack obtained by the player will refill 5 magazines of their current weapon.
- Special weapons such as Shotguns, Flamethrowers and Grenade Launchers will drop leftover ammo as an Ammo Pack.
- To offset the costs of Ammo Pack drops in the field or in foward positions, it may be better to build an Armory instead to save Team Resources.
During Christmas season, the Ammo Pack get's a special seasonal skin. The effect is purely cosmetic.
Player - Marine (Assault Rifle • Pistol • Switch-Axe)
Mechanics - Marine Commander • Power Nodes • Resource Model
Build - Command Station • Extractor • Infantry Portal • Armory • Robotics Factory (ARC • MAC) • Arms Lab
Game Information - Options • Maps • Console Commands • Patches
In Game - Damage Types • Status Icons • Ranking System • Badges