Natural Selection Wiki
Natural Selection Wiki
Resource Tower

Cosmetic Variants:


Normal Extractor

Kodiak extractor

Kodiak Extractor

Tundra extractor

Tundra Extractor

Forge extractor

Forge Extractor

Sandstorm extractor

Sandstorm Extractor

"If I had a million res nodes..."
TSA Frontiersmen
Team Resources
Marines res 10
Abilities and Upgrades
Extractor Resources, Recycle
Tech Requirements:
Build On Resource Nozzle
Build Time: 12 seconds
Builds From: Marine Commander
Buy From: Build Tab

Cosmetic Variants:


Normal Harvester

Abyss harvester

Abyss Harvester

Kodiak harvester

Kodiak Harvester

Nocturne harvester

Nocturne Harvester

Reaper harvester

Reaper Harvester

Shadow harvester

Shadow Harvester

Toxin harvester

Toxin Harvester

Unearthed harvester

Unearthed Harvester

Kharaa Kharaa
Team Resources
Marines res 8
2000 (2300)
200 (320)
Abilities and Upgrades
Extract Resources
Tech Requirements:
Build On Resource Nozzle
Builds From: Alien Commander
Buy From: Build Tab

Resource Model Banner

Resource Collection

TSA Frontiersmen
Personal Resources
Icon personal resource neutral 0.1 every 6 seconds

(per working Extractor)

Team Resources
Marines res 1 every 6 seconds

(per working Extractor)

Tech Requirements:
Limit: 200 TRes per team
100 PRes per player

Kharaa Kharaa
Personal Resources
Icon personal resource neutral 0.1 every 6 seconds

(per working Harvester)

Team Resources
Marines res 1 every 6 seconds

(per working Harvester)

Tech Requirements:
Limit: 200 TRes per team
100 PRes per player


Resources are the currency used by both the Marine and Alien teams to perform game-play actions. They are gathered by building an Alien Harvester or a Marine Extractor on a Resource Node. There are two types of usable resources: Team and Personal Resources, also knows as TRes and PRes, respectively.

Resources are the most important aspect of the game, the team that controls the most resources for the longest period of time, will be able to advance to greater Weapons / Lifeforms and unlock upgrades to defeat the enemy team very quickly.

Personal Resources

Personal Resources (or PRes)

  • Marine Players start with 20 PRes and Alien Player start with 15 PRes.
  • Commanders are not awarded any Personal Resources while in the Hive or Chair.
  • are awarded to a player every 6 seconds at a rate of 0.1 per each fully built & active Harvester or Extractor.
  • if the team controls no working Harvester or Extractor, each player is awarded 0 Personal Resources.
  • can be saved up for expensive purchases but are capped at 100. After 100 PRes has been accumulated, any extra resources are lost.


  • is the players individual share of the resources gained by the team and are used to purchase bigger and better Lifeforms for Aliens and Powerful Weapons and Technology for Marines.

Team Resources

Team Resources (or TRes) are used exclusively by the Commanders on both teams. Team Resources

  • are awarded to a team at a rate of 1 resource per each fully built & active Harvester or Extractor every 6 seconds.
  • are awarded to a team at a rate of 1 resource every 12 seconds if the team controls no working Harvester or Extractor.
  • can be saved up for expensive purchases but are capped at 200. After 200 TRes has been accumulated, any extra resources are lost.


Commander can spend TRes on multiple aids for their team including, but not limited to:



As a Marine Commander you can recycle Structures or Blueprints.

Info Info: If any Alien lifeform touches a Blueprint, it will dissipate and refund 100% of the Team Resources spent to the Frontiersmen.

Recycle enables the Marine Commander to receive back a portion of Team Resources by recycling a structure. The recycling process lasts a short duration, after which a maximum of 75% Team Resources used to create the structure is refunded. However, the amount of Team Resources refunded depends on the remaining health of the structure on recycle completion. The higher the structure's health, the more resources are refunded.

Recycle buildmenu
Recycles the structure over time and refunds resources based on initial cost and current Health. Recycle can be canceled by Marine Commander or by destroying the structure.
TSA Frontiersmen
TRes Icon team resource neutral 0.75 x initial cost x %HP left
Duration 6 seconds
Check green Tip: Never recycle Extractors, unless they are without power or not completely built. Since the Extractor stops working as soon as the recycle starts, and recycle yields resources based on the HP left, recycling yields fewer resources than the Extractor does in the additional time it is operational if you do not recycle.



Consume enables the Alien Commander to free up used Supply. Unlike Recycle it does NOT refund any Resources. Consuming structures that do not require Supply, such as Harversters and Upgrade Chambers is possible, but serves not real purpose beyond not giving a Marine the points for killing them.

Consume transparent
Destroys Alien structures to free up Supply.
Kharaa Kharaa
Duration 10 seconds


  • Naturals are called the Resource Towers that are close to your Base.
