Natural Selection Wiki
Natural Selection Wiki
X20 Vortex Shotgun
Cosmetic Variants:


Normal Shotgun

Kodiak shotgun

Kodiak Shotgun

Tundra shotgun

Tundra Shotgun

Forge shotgun

Forge Shotgun

Sandstorm shotgun

Sandstorm Shotgun

TRes Icon team resource neutral 20 to research/Icon team resource neutral 20 to drop
PRes Icon personal resource neutral 20 to buy
Research Time 30 seconds
Damage reduction 5m to 15m base damage reduction
At 15m 50% lower damage
Damage 17 * 10 (10.8/11.6/12.4) per round
Type Normal
Fire Rate 1 round per 0.88 seconds
Reload Speed 2.35 - 5.5 seconds
Clip Size 6
Ammo 24
Weight 0.14
Requires Armory, Shotgun Research


The Shotgun or SG is the specialist close range weapon for all Marines and occupies the Primary Weapon slot. It holds 6 cartridges at any one time and a Marine can carry a maximum of 24 extra cartridges, making for a total ammo pool of 30 rounds. The Shotgun has a weight of 0.14, which is more than the Assault Rifle and same as the Flamethrower. The Shotgun slows down movement speed for Marines just slightly more than the Assault Rifle.

This weapon is extremely lethal at close range and when upgraded, can kill most Aliens in 2-3 shots. Because of the nature of its cartridge ammunition and spread, Marines should attempt to hit the centre-mass of Alien lifeforms (a meat-shot).

Damage Type[]

Main Article: Damage Types

The Shotgun deals Normal damage meaning that Alien armor will absorb 2 damage for every 1 point of armor.

Shotgun Spread[]

This image shows on the left side the current shotgun spread, since the spread model has since been reverted. The damage output of both examples is the same.


There are currently 5 variations of the shotgun skin available for use by TSF Marines.

Info Info:  • Not all variants are available for purchase.

          • Skins are purely cosmetic and offer no augmented or additional stats in-game.

Camouflage variants & availability
Variant Description Acquisition Notes
Normal Default Armor. Provided with game. Comes with the base game.
Forge Black and red with orange highlights. Can be bought in the Customization Screen in-game. Released with the Forge Pack DLC as part of the NS2 5 year anniversary update (Build 319), and completed with the Merry Gorgemas! update (Build 336).
Kodiak Green jungle camouflage. Can be bought in the Customization Screen in-game. Released with the Kodiak update, and completed with the Merry Gorgemas! update (Build 336).
Sandstorm Black and gold with red highlights Can be bought in the Customization Screen in-game. Released with the Catalyst update (Build 324).
Tundra White and blue design. Can be bought in the Customization Screen in-game. Released with the Tundra update (Build 285), and completed with the Merry Gorgemas! update (Build 336).
